I have learned sooo much on race relations and bigotry today, it's hard to know where to begin. Rachel Jeantel (chief witness for the persecution of George Zimmerman) took the time to bring us all closer in understanding by appearing on the Piers Morgan Show. So here's what I know now: #1. All males, white black, asian, hispanic or "siamese" as Jeantel put it are "Niggas". I cannot tell you all what a huge relief it was to finally understand that. I mean since the 1950's I have struggled with that "N" word, believing it was actually NOT Nigga, but the "er" version. But Jeantel made it clear that no no no, the word is "Nigga" and no one should feel it racist to call another man Nigga, that's just the "old-school" in us. Nigga according to Jeantel, means "male" as in any man of any race, complexion or sexual orientatio... ya well maybe not orientation since Jeantel also stated that she believed George Zimmerman was #2. "that way" as in a gay child-rapist, so I extrapolate that a gay "male" can't by urban definition, be a Nigga.
Then after all of that, I come to find out that according to Jeantel #3. "cracker" is not the actual term used in the new urban vernacular. It's actually "Cracka", which again without the "er" means something entirely different than a "white" man. It means "a police" or someone attempting to behave like a police. Wow, no wonder Trayvon was so freaked, He thought he was being pursued by a creepy-ass'd --likely homosexual child rapist-- "police" who was probably following Trayvon home in order to rape his little brother and eat all their Skittles. So, in Rachel's estimation, Trayvon ignored her pleas to "run Trayvon run" for home because when a homosexual-Nigga-Cracka is following someone who isn't "that way" it could be really bad. If only Trayvon would have listened to Rachel and just ran away home, none of this would have happened. But he didn't. As Rachel indicated, Trayvon turned back to pursue Zimmerman because he was a creepy-ass'd Cracka that was gonna rape him and his little brotha then eat their Skittles and wash it all down with the ice tea (not the famous Nigga Ice T but the actual tea based drink. (I'm bettin it wasn't Two if by Tea, ehr ahhh -- but I digress).
Now as I have researched, in urban lingo a girl or woman is still spelled "Ho". So we had on that night, two Nigga's one suspected of homosexual-child-rapist tendencies, and the other Nigga --Trayvon-- on top beating the shit out of the gay Nigga --Zimmerman-- about whom the Ho Jeantel had just alerted Trayvon, in order to save two family Nigga's and a Ho at home so to keep them all safe from the gay child rapist cracka with an official "police" aura about him. All was cool until a third Nigga came out to see WTF was goin on and witnessed the Bigga Nigga straddling the Smalla Nigga and layin some Kung Fu style hurtin on his ass, which in terms of the hood is defined as #4. "Whoop-Asss". Now we did not get any New Racial Urban guidance on the particular definition of “ass” from Jeantel so I have to assume ass --old school-- simply refers to the act of beating the hell outta one Nigga's body by anotha Nigga without specifically targeting the posterior "butt" or "bumpa-cola" (spanish) area which given the narative Jeantel presented might bring the sexuality of Trayvon into question as well. Of course he's not here to deny it so the accusation might have stuck. Thank god it nevah came to that.
I think much more could be done to bring all races to a greater understanding of Black culture if NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, HBO, TLC, BHC... or some such network would create a future for Jeantel by coming up with an educational "Ask Jeantel" show where viewers and or listeners could call in and ask Jeantel to define the many other words in terms of The New Racial Urban-Understanding of Cultural Differences and Bigotry Dictionary. Dedicated of course to Trayvon Martin, one Bad-ass'd though tragically deceased "N" word with an "A" not an "er".