Sunday, July 11, 2010

King Shabazz??

King of who exactly? This is a disturbing clip:

Eric Holder dropped the charges against this piece of black-nationalist-dog-dung but now he is talking about slapping a suit on Arizona for grounds of racial profiling in regards to SB1070. What a damn hypocrite! If you can't see who the real racists are then you must be one of them! I wonder if Eric Holder is a member of this new black panther party as well. The DOJ is saying the Arizona law is not consistent with federal policy. Which policy is that exactly? The policy they have about ripping down our borders and giving amnesty to Illegal aliens? Is that the policy Holder is referring to? Well I guess he is correct then because the policy behind SB1070 is about strengthening our borders and keeping illegal aliens out!

This is not a fact but just a premonition, I have no doubt that Democrats are the leaders in just about all frivolous lawsuits our nation has seen. Did anyone ever check to see if the woman who spilled hot coffee on herself and then sued McDonalds was a Democrat too? The recent suit by Holder is just one of these frivolous law suits that end up costing Americans a lot of money. What a waste of tax payer dollars.


Anonymous said...

Are you implying racist hypocracy on the part of the Obama administration? Why you cracker!

PVP said...

I am guilty as charged, however....This blog is cracka.....lackin