There’s no sense wasting time with pointless details from the past several weeks. Let it suffice to say that my new friend, Abdi, whom I’ve known only that long just told me a story, one ringing with such truth, that whatever came before is simply irrelevant. Less than two hours ago I found myself engaged in a friendly debate over the political situation here in America. In the course of our discussion I said to Abdi “my greatest fear is that we’ve already spiraled irrevocably down the Marxist path and that November’s elections might be more or less a sideshow of the kind…” but before I could finish the point Abdi stopped me with a gesture and an emphatic “No!” followed by a soft “no” spoken as he shook his head.
Now this fellow’s a gentle soul of Somali descent, early to mid-thirties, heavyset for the type. Working day and night at two jobs, assimilating into our culture, trying hard to fulfill an American dream. Abdi said he came here a decade ago from Western Europe with his wife, hoping to escape the growing radical Muslim tyranny steadily eroding personal liberty over-there. So what he said next was credible in as much as I’m convinced he believed every word…
“No my friend, you do not understand. This is not about Marxism. Marxism is simply the most compatible platform from which to launch Sharia, and for radicals of the Muslim faith an America dominated under Sharia law is the objective. The President – Obama -- is fraudulent, whether or not he is known as a Muslim, he is not a Christian. Think of the political debate in this country as one might consider a game of chess. Diversion is a most useful tactic. The entire debate regarding whether your constitution is being cast aside and replaced with socialist dictatorship is a diversion. Truly, it is being cast aside, though to be replaced with fascist Sharia not socialism. To Muslim radicals who are not content to worship God in peace and live a life of moderation as their free will might allow, only three ways exist to deal with the American infidels; convert them to Islam, force non-believers into submission under Sharia where they will be taxed for the privilege to exist, or, kill them.”
I said “yeah I’ve heard all that before Abdi and this isn’t Western Europe, it’s America; we have guns and we vote. We aren’t the push-overs our cousins across the pond seem to be.”
“And that”, said friend Abdi, “is why you are in the greatest danger of losing. Consider this, you have all your life grown accustomed to an assumption that elections will occur every two years and that the results will be honored. But Americans are not so accustomed to third world politics where elections are simply there to appease. But you have already seen the signs of such corruption here. Many have suspected that certain elections were tampered with in recent years, is that not true?” Well what could I say other than yes. “Whether that is true or not, whether such tampering is even effective or not, the outcomes of future American elections are being assured by powerful forces. Most inner city and minority communities have been organized by radical activists seeking to corrupt the political process by any means necessary, and they are now in place, ready to take the next step when called to do so”.
I asked Abdi what on earth that meant, to which he responded as follows: “remember in the past election, the neo Black Panthers intimidating voters and the tens of thousands of Acorn activists?” yes, I said, of course. “They are radical revolutionaries just as their brethren from within organizations as the ‘Nation of Islam’. They have formed alliances with Islamic radicals who follow assorted mullahs and clerics from abroad that ascribe to the most extreme orthodoxy of the holy Quran. They’ve been preparing for holy Jihad against the American infidel, to overtake this country in the name of Alah, to convert as slaves those who can be converted, to impose oppressive taxes upon those who will submit to Sharia under their new masters for the privilege just to exist, and, to kill those who persist in resistance to this change. Many black-American Muslims, Hispanic converts and gang members as well as self-hating liberals lacking self-respect, are supporting this revolution from positions of anger, desiring to subordinate white men, women and all non-Muslims to a permanent underclass”.
I laughed, though uneasy, and said “Abdi that’s nuts, and if that’s what’s going on, they’re underestimating the free-will and resolve of we Americans to unite in common to remain free”.
Abdi replied softly, “no my friend you underestimate how a statistically few, well-armed revolutionaries can overthrow a government and take control of an entire nation. In addition to the millions of Muslims 10% to 15% of whom are radical Islamists, there are by most estimates 20 million illegal aliens in America, some are Muslim, many more are third world criminals, members of the drug cartels from South American places such as Venezuela, where men as Hugo Chavez export them to become mercenaries for Islam, enjoying the thought of over-throwing the constitutional government of the United States in favor of a fascist regime similar to their own. But even they have no real understanding of what a regime governed by Sharia law would eventually mean to their own dictatorships. They do not understand their eventual role. Just as laboring masses have always become the useful idiots necessary to support Marxist dictatorships, infidels and even devout Muslims of all colors and nationalities will serve the same purpose for radicalized Islam. The goal in imposing Sharia is not to overtake America per se, it is to provide a system of law similar in affect to socialism. A law intolerant of free will, intolerant of free speech, intolerant of individual liberty, incompatible with free enterprise and private sector profits which empower individuals. Their goal is an incremental step towards overtaking the entire world for Alah. And to that end, my friend conquering the most powerful nation, one which possesses the most effective and technologically advanced Nuclear arsenal , one with the military capability to threaten the entire world, is the objective. Militarily, America’s generals will be replaced, the ranks replenished with those willing to submit to Sharia or too fearful not to, as for the non-compliant, they must be eliminated”.
He ended the conversation with this. “I came here with my wife in the hope America would remain free, that Radical Islam would be rejected and never allowed to thrive. I could never imagine, especially after the September 11, 2001 attacks that Americans would act so foolishly in electing corrupt individuals to positions of power in their own government and that they could be so ignorant of what evil looked them in the eye. Is anyone paying attention to the extremists President Obama has appointed to positions of power as Czars and employees in his administration? If they had they would know these people have said as much as I have told you throughout their careers. The arrogance with which so many Americans have ignored these warnings is the same arrogance which has always empowered the fascist rulers who intend to enslave them.”
Very good sharing this.
Hi there
Great share, thanks for your time
haha a conservative who thinks obama is a communist muslim... great. =]
your stupidity will destroy your own party...
look up red/blue/green/gold personality tests... you are gold. and you my friend, follow blindly into the dark because you are a "faithful" person.
tradition is about faith
religion is about faith
trickle down economics is about... faith that they will actually reinvest their money.
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