Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let's just be frank

I am getting so tired of hearing people tell Obama that if you truly loved our country you would do this, or you would do that. Really... stop wasting your breath. OBAMA DOES NOT LOVE OUR COUNTRY! His actions speak loudly, he means to rip apart our land and our freedom handing our sovereignty over to the NEW WORLD ORDER, of which he intends to eventually rule. HE and his garbage wife Michelle along with his entire cabinet are ALL TRASH. It saddens me to know that the majority of voters were so damn ignorant and STUPID that they would vote for this piece of garbage even though all of the writing was clearly written on the wall. SHAME ON YOU if you voted for this criminal. OBAMA IS THE WORST SORT OF COMMUNIST! HE will end up making MAO look like Winston Churchill if he get’s his way.

Let’s start with Arizona. Drug smugglers and illegal immigrants are taking over our borders and we are unable to control an easily controlled situation. Instead of providing guards to protect our borders we have signs on our own land for Americans to stay away. Instead of protecting our borders this criminal organization (the Obamatrash administration) is going to use our tax money to pursue legal action against the state of Arizona to fight Arizona’s legislation against illegal immigration; a law which I may add mirrors that of our federal law. There is a serious problem on our southern borders and Obama is not even concerned about it. Do you know why? BECAUSE HE WANTS OUR BORDERS TO WEAKEN! Obama wants to strip us of our culture, our heritage, our borders, our language and our sovereignty. You can’t hand a nation over to a world government that is able to protect its land.

So that leads us to more of Obama’s treachery against our sovereignty. It should have been a clear sign when he signed the executive order to change the language in our laws allowing INTERPOL to have free access to our country without repercussion. INTERPOL has total immunity and can operate however they please within our borders thanks to OBAMA. Is that not the sound of a first step towards the destruction of a sovereign nation, allowing an international police force total access to our country, our lands and our neighborhoods? Who knows what the hell they are up to at this moment now that they can operate freely in the USA? They can do what they please with absolutely NO oversight what so ever. What would stop this international police force from expanding so large within our borders that they decide to police the communities that we live holding Americans accountable to “INTERNATIONAL LAW” and not the laws of our own nation?

I can go on and on and I am sure most of the people who will read this can as well. I know I am preaching to the choir but its making me very mad and maybe it’s time I start speaking up a little more than I have. The truth is, like I started out saying… OBAMA WANTS THE DESTRUCTION OF THIS NATION. Is his response…. Ahem.. I mean lack of response to the gulf oil crisis not proof enough. HE has already weakened our borders, now it’s time to further destruct our economy as well. Stopping drilling on the gulf is a step toward his agenda and it has nothing to do with the environment what so ever. So if you are one of those dumb ass liberal hippy / pseudo intellects and happen to be reading this…. YES, OBAMA DID NOT STOP DRILLING FOR SAKE OF THE ENVIORNMENT. This is just one more step to destroy our country.

It is equally hard to hand a free and wealthy country over to a world government. The only way it can be done is by destroying wealth. Inflation is critical to the destruction of wealth. Watch our gasoline prices skyrocket from Obama’s actions. There is no possible way that Obama could not have known what will happen by stopping gulf drilling. Is this a war against our suburbs and commuters as proposed by media? Or is it really just another tool to take the largest voting base in America, which happens to be the middle class and push them into poverty stricken Americans who can no longer afford to drive to work, or feed their families. Obama wants you on welfare, because when you are dependent on government to take care of your needs you have NO Sovereignty and thus can be easily handed over to a world government as subject to that government.

So as you can see, STOP saying that if Obama loved our country, yaddi, yadda. START standing up to the fact that OBAMA DOES NOT love our country. OBAMA HATES AMERICA, just like all of the other illegal immigrants who share similar sentiment. Do you think these people want to become citizens? HELL NO! They do not give a rat’s ass about the USA. All they care about is getting our money so they can send it home to their families who are starving in Mexico. The corrupt garbage that runs Mexico is only interested in personal gain and control of Mexico, not the strength of the nation. Felipe Calderon, who in my opinion can rot in hell, is only concerned with American money flowing into Mexico. With all of the devaluation going with our own dollar it’s still far more valuable than the peso. In the end, who do you think this money goes to, the Mexican economy or Felipe’s greedy pockets? Obama who is ALSO an illegal immigrant, and as far as I am concerned he is showing he thinks the same way, however instead of his hard earned money flowing back to family in Kenya (which by the way have not seen a dime from him) He wants to take our wealth and redistribute it to other nations. When I say our wealth, I do not mean HIS wealth. While we are forced to give up more and more of our money he will be making more money along with the rest of the Washington elite’s who “play ball”.

Let’s put a stop to this. It all can start to change by voting the trash out of office. In my opinion, there is no way that ANY liberal politician should survive the next midterm election but I am also a realist and understand there are enough morons out there who will continue to vote these people back into office.


Buck said...

With all the congressional investigations how come there has never been an inquiry into the cause of the BP oil rig explosion and sinking?
Methinks there is something rotten in Denmark....uh...Washington DC.

Anonymous said...

Government-Approved Illegals !

Speaking of illegals, the government hasn't built the fence high enough to keep out the un-American criminals who want to take away our freedoms.
Yes, the government hasn't built the White House fence high enough to keep out the un-American criminals who somehow got into the White House and who are now working hard to take away the religious, social, and economic freedoms of true American patriots!
Here are two slogans that Obama would rather not think about: "Unborn babies should have the right to keep and bear arms - and legs and ears and eyes, etc.!" and "Unborn babies should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!"
If Obama should ever happen to Google "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right," do you think he would feel guilty merely walking in the hallowed halls of that House where true Americans walked?
Is it safe to assume that Mecca Wafers are Obama's favorite candy? And is barack-coli a vegetable or a disease?

(Neither Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi nor any other DemocRAT approved of this message!)

[discovered the above on web. jim]

Mrs. AL (Always Learning) said...

Gosh, AfterShock, you sound riled. Just kiddding. It is getting to be a very dangerous time here in the old U.S. of A.

I actually can't say that Obama hates this country, I can say with no hesitation that he has little regard for our foundational documents. He has no regard for even some of the base precepts that once set us apart from any other nation.

PVP said...

Hi Buck, Me agree's with ya... Either they caused it or they knew it was going to happen and did nothing. regardless, there is something sinister a foot as usualy with these thugs.

PVP said...


Thanks for your comment, I agree with you. However I would wonder how guilty Obama would actually feel. You would need some sort of moral grounding to feel remorseful or guilty. I do not beleive Obama has that moral grounding.

PVP said...

Hi AL,

Actually this is PVP. Aftershock invited me to write on this blog from time to time. Since I do not write very often and rarely update my own blog I really felt the need to vent.

However I am finding it very hard to see how Obama could have any love for this country based on his ruthless tactics. But who knows, I would much rather be wrong about that :) Thanks for commenting, I enjoy reading your posts.

AfterShock said...

Well PVP my friend, you've said it all! I agree, Obama and his Communist-Marxist comrades, have NO love for America. Obama let's us all know that he's a non-white communist who embraces non-white dictators. To hell with political correctness, Obama's a muslim, non-white radical who worships a non-white radical-muslim-pedophile-PERVERT known as mohamad. I personally hate pedophiles, perverts, muslim-radical-extremists and their worshipers. And that is my humble opinion!

His Majesty Moshe said...

You people are disgusting.

We are at war - facing an implacable foe -

Master Moshe said...

Oops - let me finish that thought!

We're about to be conquered by 1 billion Muslims, OK?

You people just need to shut up and support your commander in chief.

And you call yourselves good Americans?


PVP said...

We are already in the process of being conquered by ONE muslim.... His name is Obama

AfterShock said...

Ahh Moshe,

Life was getting so dull without you! Now I'm able to smile again!

Mrs. AL (Always Learning) said...

Hey, PVP, thanx for the clarification. From this point forward I will pay more attention to who posts here. Good to meet 'ya.