Sunday, July 25, 2010

About The 2012 Campaign...

There's a few things we need to get straight before choosing our side's candidate for POTUS or the next best hope for America, in 2012. First, any serious candidate must have a well articulated message regarding limited government, national security, income taxes, and individual liberty. There can be no ambiguity in our candidate's public position on those issues and the primary duty of all elected officials to uphold our COTUS and its intended restraint upon government power. This immediately eliminates several candidates from serious contention, including Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Newt's a few things we need to get straight before choosing our side's candidate for POTUS or the next best hope for America come 2012. First, any serious candidate must have a well articulated message regarding limited government, national security, income taxes, and individual liberty. There can be no ambiguity between our candidate's public position on those issues and the primary duty of the POTUS to uphold the COTUS and its restraint upon government power. This immediately eliminates several candidates from serious contention, including Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich.

Why Mitt Romney? Well for starters, he's a former Massachusetts "conservative" which means he's probably at best just barely to the right of John McCain. Mitt's still defending Massachusetts care and it's "mandatory coverage" provision as a successful program. Pathetic! Consider that new "conservative" Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, who just voted with the Dems to create a money monopoly by the nation's largest Banks. In Massachusetts saying one is a conservative is a lot like calling 25 degree (fahrenheit) temps during an Antarctic summer, a heatwave. 'nuff said.

Sarah Palin? Well she supports John McCain and that alone should disqualify her. But then there's her completely ambiguous posture on Cap 'n Trade. You tell me, is she for it or against it? I don't trust her.

Newt Gingrich: Smart as he is, nonetheless, he cheated on his wife and got caught, he keeps company with globalists and he sat down with Nancy Pelosi to talk then agree that global warming and our dependence on oil were issues legislators just have to deal with. Thereby, tacitly supporting Cap 'n Trade. None of these three are worthy of real consideration for the post.

So who will it be? Obama and crew will continue doing damage to our economy. Even if conservatives win big this mid-term, the Dems have plans as a lame-duck to push through all of the most radical socialist spending and regulation left on Obama's list. That means we'll need to elect a conservative super majority to over-ride Obama's veto power, or legislative repeals will be meaningless -- Repeals In Name Only... but then what's another species of RINO among republicans anyhow? By the time 2012 arrives the political landscape will have changed. Two more years is more than enough to destroy what remains of our economy and bring the weak kneed among us begging for a personal socialist bailout, also known as extended benefits and other sundry redistributions of the wealth,. The candidates we choose must have unambiguous positions on every issue. No more charming progressives like GW Bush.

Choose wisely.


8th Man said...

Jan Brewer--she has already shown more tham many who would be leader--I may be wrong here but I do believe it will be woman agenst woman in 2012. Palin shows hope BUT there is a LOT of more STANDING to do!!(great new ploace! I just may have to move here!!)

AfterShock said...

Thanks 8th Man. I appreciate your comments and do hope you start up here at blogspot.