Wednesday, December 1, 2010

To:Representatives Boehner and Cantor...

Get your heads out of your asses! I shouldn't have been surprised I guess. I've heard over and over and over what dim-wits neo-cons are. And now the two of you have converted that assertion into an indisputable truth... I am depressed!

Mr. Boehner, just what common ground would you suggest we look for with a devout communist, hmmm? This is no time for open arms and civility -- we are at war with the enemy of our liberty who has acquired the high ground within our White House. Obama is the radicalized son of a devout communist. His associations have long been with radical communists and my dear Mr. Boehner, as has been repeated and proven countless times throughout history, "the apple does not fall far from the tree". In this case we have a real bad apple that a BUSHel of mindless dolts known as neo-cons allowed to become the first completely un-vetted president in our nation's history. Common ground indeed!

And as for you Mr. Cantor, so now all the big hearted republicans such as yourself want to force insurance companies to cover pre-existing--unhealthy--conditions, and if that weren't enough you also like the idea of requiring them to continue coverage for "young people" via their parent's insurance plan until age 26? You presumptuous arrogant jerk! Apparently it's true, neo-con idiots are just the slower road to a Global Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Hey by the way, Representative Cantor, I can't afford car insurance with 3 buck a gallon gas and having taken a 40% cut in income the past 18 months, so how about making sure I get full after-the-fact collision coverage, with an order of life insurance on the side, when I drive my car off the frkng road next time I'm listening on the car radio and hear you two idiots gittin all kumbaya with Obama?

How much more simply could the mandate of this past election have been put to you? In case you were out on the day it was discussed in the media, the TEA Party, primarily responsible for said mandate, put it something like this: 1). Stop the Obama, Reid, Pelosi communist agenda dead in it's tracks. 2). Repeal Obama care as often as it takes until it can be accomplished permanently. 3). Cut spending and prevent the Democrats from raising taxes. Oh and by the way, if I hear you morons refer to that as "extending the Bush tax cuts..." one more time I'm gonna blow out every last vein, vessel, artery and capillary in my body. The Bush tax cuts were tax cuts only once -- the day they were enacted then signed into law. You aren't "extending tax cuts" YOU ARE CONTINUING CURRENT TAX RATES and the Democrats are attempting to RAISE those TAX RATES. But I digress! Number 4). Hold your ground, do not negotiate, do not compromise do not look for common ground with Democrats because we -- the people of these several united States of America -- WON! Do you understand? WE WON!!!$#@^%$$!$#@!

Now as I said, get yer heads outta yer asses and do our will, or prepare for a buttt thrashin the likes of which even your daddies never imagined to put upon you!


Buck said...

Reminds me of the story of the man with the mule he couldn't train.
He hired a mule trainer who came out and the first thing he did was take a 2x4 and hit the mule across the head.
The guy asked, "Why did you do that?"
The trainer said, "First, ya gotta get their attention."

2012 might very well be the 2x4 the Republicans need.

Anonymous said...

really an eye opener for me.

- Robson

AfterShock said...

amen to that Buck

Anonymous said...

I think, that you are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

AfterShock said...

Anonymous -- I don't have the time to devote to this as I used to. But I'm listening.


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AfterShock said...

Yeah well, sorry anonymous, I haven't a clue what your comments are saying. I do not speak nor read what appears to be Russian.